Electric Motor & Coil Winding Industry
As the oven of preference, the Steelman oven is the leader in the electric motor shop and coil winding industry.
Safety, service, and quality are the Steelman benchmark. You can be assured that your oven will have the latest technological and safety features. All process ovens are of heavy-duty construction so that they can stand up to your most rigorous demands.
They can be outfitted with track cart floor and heavy-duty track carts. In addition, most models are available with the Chain Hoist Loading Door in the top of the oven. This adds flexibility to accommodate unexpected part sizes by saving the height occupied by the cart when the cart is removed and the drip pan and load rack is laid on the floor of the oven. In order to meet customer demands, you can furnish paper chart records, which indicate that the customer’s part(s) did not see over-temperature at any point during the bake/curing cycle.
This is accomplished with the Part & Air Temperature Controller with Chart Recorder. This controller has dual inputs to the chart recorder, showing both the air temperature in the oven chamber as well as the part temperature via a magnetic thermocouple. These process ovens are built to comply with National Fire Protection Association, Bulletin 86-1999 standards as a Class A oven. This means that the oven must have suitable Pressure Relief along with certain Purge and Exhaust requirements.